From Forbes Contributing Author Howard Husock
It’s not just the start of baseball season—it continues to be open season on America’s rich, under fire for all manner of sins, real and imagined. Yet another new attack has been mounted against America’s wealthy, this time for their alleged philanthropic stinginess. In The Atlantic, author Ken Stern, in an essay based on his new book With Charity for All: Why Charities Are Failing and a Better Way to Give, asserts that those at the top of the nation’s income pyramid both give too little to charity and give to causes that don’t help the poor.
Those of modest means, he says, are more generous than the wealthy, described, charmingly, in a quotation from UC Berkeley psychological researcher who told New York Magazine that “the rich are more likely to prioritize their own self-interests above the interests of other people,” leading him to conclude, with scholarly precision, that they are “more likely to exhibit characteristics that we would stereotypically associate with, say, assholes.”
Read the entire article here- from Forbes Magazine: